Dr. Stockmann is performing his speech in Down Town Cairo. Obedience training is the agenda when Ibsen’s Emperor and Galilean is played in Beirut. Both performances were played in Skien, Norway the 18th and 19th of September were we also will discuss the theater’s role and importance during political turmoil.
Day 1:
Sahar Abdel Hakim, Professor of Cultural studies at Cairo University.
Art and Reshaping of culture and self-perception (identity) at moments of political turmoi.
Enemy of the People
Performance by Lamusica Independent Theatre Group, Egypt.
Nehad Selaiha
Changing Contexts of Reception: Ibsen’s Enemy of the People in Egypt before and after June 30, 2013.
Nora Amin, Director of Enemy of the People, Lamusica Independant Theatre Group.
Being Ibsen/Transforming Ibsen.
Presentation of the Winners of the Ibsen Scholarships 2013
Peer Gynt. No mand Land, Greece. Eleni Zarafidou, Antigoni Frida and Valantis Fragkos.
Moved by Brand, Latvia. Baiba Ozolina ans Inta Balode.
Tribal Ibsen Project. India. Sankar Vanketeswaran.
Min(d)ing Ibsen: «An Enemy of the People meets the People. Greece. Korina Vasileiadou and Charis Pechlivanidis.
Day 2:
Jounaid Sarieddine and Omar Abi Azar, Zoukak Theatre Company, Lebanon.
Theatre, politics and religion. Pillars of power.
Lucena. Obedience training.
Performance by Zoukak Theater Company, Lebanon.
Pia Maria Roll
HardCase. About poetry and percentage – the dynamic between artistic investigation and documentary language.
Nigel Iyer
English fraud investigatior and playwright.
Panel discussion