
Dancing with the Minotaur

19. november 2020
UrFear performance by Darlane Litaay.
This is an update to:
Multitude of Peer Gynts

Darlane Litaay’s dance piece questions how the body as a social object is dealing with visual control and strict surveillance – a method that guarantees greater social domination. Reading Huhu and the subjects in the mental institutions as a metaphor for institutional control, Darlane underlines how spaces that are continuously being surveilled are transformed into border spaces. Houses and hometowns, such as his own in Papua, as they were turned into a zone of vision, are impoverished from the warmth to become a site of terror. Darlene approaches the notion of mobility by underlining how homes, residences, and immobile places, have become constantly moving – the subjects in these spaces are being chased and forced to run.

Concept: Darlane Litaay
Dancer/choreographer: Darlane Litaay
DoP: A. Semali
Video Editor: A. Semali
Sound Compeser: Yennu Ariendra
Cameramen: Andre Nur Latif, A. Semali
Drone operator: Krispatje