Movers and shakers – Tangible channeling the existence of nature
In 2008 Monica Emilie Herstad and herStay received an Ibsen Scholarship for the project "Movers and shakers - Tangible channeling the existence of nature".
In 2008 Monica Emilie Herstad and herStay received an Ibsen Scholarship for the project "Movers and shakers - Tangible channeling the existence of nature".
The subject for research is the state of hope and illutions.
The artistic project «Movers and shakers – Tangible channeling the existence of nature» will at highest international level be developed as a re-interpretation of Ibsen ́s Rosmersholm.
The essence of the performance will mirror the intensity between the two protagonists hence Rosmer, Rebecca and the relationship between them slowly taking shape, with the ghost maiden character Beate, here as a live character accentuating certain moods on stage, like a shadow.
herStay works mostly with wordless performance, still the text is referred to through patterns of text-related movements and actions.